Waxing Tips

Exfoliate your skin with the spa glove we provide you at each appointments. Ideally we recommended 3-5x's per week.
Moisturize your skin leading up to your appointment especially during dry months. We recommend not putting moisturizer on the day of your appointment but beforehand is great!
Taking ibuprofen beforehand is always helpful.
Please stay away from caffeine before your appointment as this does awaken the nervous system and can make your wax more painful.
Waxing during your menstrual cycle is not a problem as long as a tampon is worn. Just note that you may be a tad bit more sensitive but we do understand that sometimes Aunt Flo’s visit can’t be predicted and often comes at the most inconvenient times.
Please abstain from using retinoids 2-3 days prior to waxing as these can cause skin sensitivities and irritation.